After my return from India, it was time to see more of London for my final few
days in the city. There was no time to waste! Plus, I had many thing to do on
my list!
Sunday: After getting back from India, I took an amazing shower and did some
blogging. Then, it was off to the movies w/ Pete. We went to see Interstellar
w/ some of my Groupon vouchers. I didn’t get around to using all of them, but I
think the cost of that one movie would have almost totaled the cost of the
voucher for 5 movies. After the
movie, we went to have dinner at Honest Burger because I wanted some
meat. Delicious as always. The rosemary fries were amazing and my burger was
super tasty. We did have to wait an hour or so for a table, so we went down the
street and had a glass of wine before dinner. After that, I went home and fell
fast asleep. I was exhausted.
Monday: Shopping day! Got up early and went for a run. Thankfully it was a
down week in training again and I only had to do about 5 miles. So, that was
good. After my run, it was a full day of shopping! 10AM-4PM. Harrod’s.
Hamley’s. Stopped at IES to pick up my exams. Souviner shops. Lunch at itsu.
Tea Shop. Strolled through Covent Garden, but apparently Monday is antiques day
so that was a bit of a bust.
Took a little rest and then it was time to meet up
w/ Pete for Monday night fun. We went to dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant that
was okay. Then, it was off to see Potted Sherlock. This was a little play in
which they did all 60 Sherlock stories in 80 minutes. It was good, but I was so
tired I kept falling asleep. I’m glad I choose this one though and not a 3 hour
musical like I originally planned. I just couldn’t pass up one more theater
experience in London.
Tuesday: Pete took the day off of work so we could explore the city
together. It was very sweet and I was happy to have him with me on my
adventures. We were at the Natural History museum by 10AM and I finally got to
see those stupid dinosaurs. Plus, they had just unveiled the new stegasarous
that is the most complete skeleton of one ever. So, that was cool. OH and the
Earth escalator was open. Sweet! After dinos, we did the Wildlife Photography
of the Year exhibit. It was gorgeous. So many beautiful photographs. Loved it!
Then, it was across the street for a cup of tea and some gifts for friends from
the Science Museum. After that, we went to a chocolate store for some gifts and
then went to have some bubble tea. Pete had never had bubble tea, so it was a
must do. I got a hot one for the first time and it was interesting. Salted
caramel. Pete got taro because it’s obviously the best.
After bubble tea, we
strolled down to the National Gallery. We explored the museum for an hour or
Then, we took our time getting to our afternoon tea at Sanderson. This
hotel does a Mad Hatter’s Tea and it’s amazing. Fun little potion bottles w/
the different teas in them so you can smell them and choose one. We did mint
chocolate chip and apple pie. The sugar cubes were in a music box. The menu in
an old book. The little cakes were adorable—clock shaped, tea cup shaped. There
was a drink me potion that had 3 different flavors in one bottle. Yummy scones
(one sweet, one savory). So fun. And it was outside under a tent and some
heaters. Very fun.
After tea, we stopped at the Tate Christmas Market to pick
up a few more gifts and then it was home for me to pack. I had a 6AM flight the
next day to Germany, so I tried to go to bed by 10 or so I could get a few
hours sleep.
Then, I went to Germany for 3 days (see later post).
Sunday was my last full day in London and I wanted to make it count. I got
up around 7 and went for a final run along the Thames. It was lovely. The sun
was rising just as I was finishing my run, so that was awesome.
Then, it was
home for a quick shower and a trip to the Cereal Killer Café. Nash had posted a
link about it on my Facebook page and it opened while I was in Germany, so I
knew I had to go. It was amazing! Pete and I both tried one of their cereal
cocktails. His was cinnamon toast crunch/golden grahams/honey. Mine was Crunch
berries (just the berries) and fruity pebbles and the marshmallows from Lucky
Charms w/ strawberry milk. So good! And we got a pop-tart. Yum. I loved eating
some cereal that I would never buy a box of. So good!
Random guy outside cafe while I tried to take a pic. |
The café was on Brick
Lane and Pete hadn’t been there before, so we stopped at the famous bagel shop
and had a bagel while strolling through the market. We walked through Old
Spaitilfeilds Market and then I headed home to get my cleaning/packing done.
That took a good 4 hours or so.
Then, it was time for one last night out in
London. First, Hotel Chocolat to buy some gifts. Then, dropping off some
unwanted clothes at H&M. Then, Pete and I headed to Gordon’s Wine Bar. My
IES colleagues said this place was a must do and they were right! SUPER cool.
It’s like a dungeon down in there w/ low ceilings and candlelight. Very
romantical. It was fun being there w/ Pete on my last night in Lodnon.
Then, we
headed a few blocks over to have dinner w/ Ed at 6PM at a restaurant called One
Twenty One Two. We had a lovely 3 course meal w/ champagne and I enjoyed
getting to share one last meal w/ Ed and Pete. Then, it was a nice walk home
across the Jubilee bridge and I had to get back to packing. It was a great day
and a great last day in London.