Fifteen years ago I spent the Fall semester of my sophomore year of college
studying abroad in Regensburg, Germany. I often refer to it as my favorite
semester at Murray State. I learned so many things, made great friends, and saw
so many new things. I've thought a lot about that semester while I've been
here, and even more so after my return trip to Regensburg this week. Here are
some thoughts:
1. Studying abroad in a place where English is not the official language is
very different than in a country where it is the official language. As much as
I love London, I wonder if the students are missing out a bit on something by
having that convenience. I think it takes a little away from the whole
2. Running while abroad is amazing! I'm so sad I wasn't a runner back in the
day. I got to see so many parts of the world by going for a run that I know I
wouldn't have seen if I wasn't needing to get a run in. I'd say some of my
favorite experiences while abroad have been some of those runs. So, kids...take
up running at an early age. Or go for long walks. Not really something I did as
a 19 year old. I went for a run in Regensburg this week and was loving the
beautiful trees and running paths. Total new parts of the city that I didn't
see before.
3. Living abroad when you have money is different than when you don't. :)
There's really nothing a student can do about this. That's part of the student
experience (hostels, noodles for every meal, etc.). I guess it's just a note
that one should "study abroad" again later in life when he/she has
money. :)
4. Being connected today is so different than 15 years ago! 15 years ago, I
occasionally checked my email and sent my parents a message. I'd talk to my
parents on a pay phone about once every couple of weeks. This time I had my
T-mobile free international data/texting, my ooma box, and internet at the
house and at work. I don't think I was ever disconnected. It was nice to be
able to stay in touch w/ people back home, but again as a student I don't think
that's probably best. It's good to be disconnected. These students certainly
were not. But, I guess that's a sign of the times.
5. I miss things much more this time. At the age of 19, one doesn't own a
lot of things. Also, a lot of my college friends studied abroad with me, so I
didn't miss too many people back home. I was excited to see my family, but
that's true any time I go see them. Now, I own nice things. A home. A nice car.
A cat. Lots of clothes. A Keurig. I miss these things. I also miss my friends.
So, I am excited to get back and see all of those people/things.
6. Weight gain/loss. In Regensburg, I gained about 10 pounds. So much so
that my parents didn’t recognize me when I got off the plane. I’m pretty sure
I’ve lost about 5 pounds while in London. Maybe it’s all the running. Maybe
it’s all the walking. Maybe it’s that there is less meat/potatoes in London.
Just an interesting observation.
Alison: How interesting to return to Regensburg after 15 years and realize/see all the differences in your life compared to then. Didn't think you had any excess weight to loose, but with all that running and walking like you said, sure takes it off.