Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Week two: another dinner, another play, and my parents arrive!

Week two of classes went well.

Cryptography: They explored modular arithmetic on Tuesday and played with affine ciphers on Friday. I'm really impressed with them. Many of them described math as not being their favorite subject, but they are hard workers. They're willing to try things and never want me to give the answers. I'll ask if they need help and they say "No! We want to figure it out." It's amazing!!

Stats: We started playing with R. Super fun! I hope the students enjoyed it as much as I did.

We had more students over for dinner on Monday night. Three dinners down, one to go. Here's a photo of dinner #3:

Tuesday was theater night. We saw "My Night with Reg" at the Domar Theater. I struggled keeping track of the 6 male characters and the time hopping, but I loved the tiny theater and  thought the play was well acted. Before the theater, Reggie and Steve came by for dinner. It was a fun evening.

Wednesday I went for a quick run before my parents arrived. Ran down to the new art sculpture in the water....a giant hippo. This was done by the same guy that did the giant rubber duck last year. Let's just say I was a bit disappointed. I mean that rubber duck is amazing. This hippo is less than amazing.

My parents arrived Wednesday mid-morning. Mission: Keep them awake until at least 6PM. Mission accomplished. We did one of Ed's walking tours of the city, saw the main sites, had lunch at a little British pub, and then came home. Lots of walking, but I think it was good for them. My mom's favorite part: a stop for gelato in Soho. :)

Thursday after class, I met up w/ my parents for a trip to Borough Market for lunch and then we spent some time in Regent's Park. That night we did an organ recital at St. Paul's Cathedral. The cathedral is beautiful. The organ music was just okay. I did really enjoy the more modern piece! There were trumpets coming from one corner and crazy rumbling organ sounds at one point. It was sweet.

We took the students on their first big field trip on Friday and headed to Kew Gardens. So much fun! Saw some more of my favorite place in London. And I got to try the Gin and Tonic garden bar before it closed for the summer. So refreshing! :)

Monkey puzzle. This tree is awesome!

Friday night I joined Reggie and Steve for my first TV audience appearance at the local ITV studios which are about 2 blocks from the house. We went to see The Last Leg. It's a weekly news recap show w/ a host and his two sidekicks. Biggest deal: Carrie Fisher was there! As in Princess Leia! What?!? Here's some of the episode:



  1. It's so cool that your parent got to come!! YAY!! And it's also awesome that your favorite place in London is a garden. :) love it!!!

  2. While waiting for your mother to pick me up for my birthday bash, thought I'd join you in London for more adventures. Great pictures, and I especially like the one of Ron and Debbie behind you. I know they had to be tired, but you did a great job of keeping them awake. Love the big yellow M&M in the picture. Princess Leia? Really? The first Star Wars was probably before you were born. I'll have to goggle it to find out for sure. You treat your students well, Alison. I'm sure they enjoy everything you have planned for them. Math was never my favorite subject, doubt I'd figure anything out that you teach.

  3. Why does my comment say 7:25 AM? It's 10:26 a.m. here and 3:26 p.m. there. Just curious.

  4. Okay; here's the info on Star Wars -- I was correct, The first movie was released before you were born, actually 14 days after Shelee was born and 2 days after Jennifer was born. Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia Organa) was young in that movie, only 20 when the movie was released, so that makes her 57 now.
    Info: Star Wars: Episode VII will open in the UK in 2015. Maybe you should stick around.....
    The first film in the series was originally released on May 25, 1977, under the title Star Wars, by 20th Century Fox, and became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon, followed by two sequels, released at three-year intervals. Sixteen years after the release of the trilogy's final film, the first in a new prequel trilogy of films was released. The three prequel films were also released at three-year intervals, with the final film of the trilogy released on May 19, 2005. In 2012, The Walt Disney Company acquired Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion and announced that it would produce three new films, with the first film, Star Wars Episode VII, planned for release in 2015.[1] 20th Century Fox still retains the distribution rights to the first two Star Wars trilogies, owning permanent rights for the original film Episode IV: A New Hope, while holding the rights to Episodes I–III, V, and VI until May 2020.[2]
