Saturday, August 16, 2014

My left foot...

Greetings blog followers,

It's Saturday morning here and I'm about to embark on many an adventure. My friend Jodi (from SIU who now lives in TX) is here this weekend and we're going on all sorts of adventures the next two days. So, be ready for those posts!!

In other news, Wednesday I went to Bletchley Park to research a potential field trip for Cryptography class. This place is awesome! So much amazing history and stories. This is pretty much where all the codebreaking went down for the Brits during World War II and where they broke the German Enigma codes. Great stuff. I had a lovely day there. Took the train. Did some reading for my other class. Walked around on a beautiful day. Took some notes. Had tea overlooking the lawn. Then, I stood up to walk around the last huts I hadn't seen and my left food started hurting. Like every step I took. Near my heel. :( I guess all that running in Scandinavia without my foam roller finally caught up to me. It's a total bust and it likely means no more running while in London. I  miss it already and it's only been a few days. It still hurts to walk. Or sit. It pretty much just hurts all the time. I spent Wednesday PM-Friday AM just sitting in my bed in hopes it would feel better. No luck. Oh well. There's no time for a hurt foot this weekend!!

PaperBurger joined me for the trip to Bletchley.

Alan Turing statue. Super cool.

Yesterday was Ed's 60th birthday! We made reservations at OXO Tower which is this super fancy restaurant overlooking the Thames and super close to our flat. They do this set 3 course menu at lunch and it was delicious! And the food was beautiful! Ed really enjoyed it and so did I!

Then, it was off to pick up Jodi at the train station. She's living in Chester for the next few weeks for work and has a work meeting in London on Monday, so here she is!!

After a bit of a rest and some work for Jodi, we took a slow walk over to our birthday dinner location of Koya. My friend Alisa recently sent me an email about this place and so I had to check it out. Japanese noodle bowls! It was quite tasty. And very busy. I was glad we went right when it opened.

After dinner, Ed took us by the National Portrait Gallery and we checked out the very unflattering painting of Kate. Not good. Then, we strolled through the National Gallery and saw The Ambassadors. GREAT painting. Loved it. I'll have to go back to these free museums and spend more time. But, it was cool to just pop-in and see a few things.

Then, it was off to St. Martin's for a candlelight concert of Bach, Handel and Vivaldi. It was lovely. And there was a great oboe player that did a couple of pieces. He was awesome.

After that it was back to the flat for some late night bubbly and then off to sleep. More adventures today.


  1. Hope the foot works itself out! Tell Ed I said Happy Birthday!

  2. Well, you can title this 'My left foot and my right "this little piggy went wee-wee-wee, all the way home" toe.' Stubbed my toe during the middle of the night on the cedar chest at the foot of our bed and I think it's broken. Been there, done that before, so I know nothing can be done. Sorry to hear your left foot (wasn't there a movie by that title) is hurting you. I must Google it. Yes, 1989, nominated for best film, but Driving Miss Daisy won. Back to YOUR left foot -- you must have really injured it for it to hurt all the time, walking or not walking. BUT, being the trooper you are, It will take more than that to slow you down. Ed's birthday dinner looks delicious. Don't know why they would show unflattering portraits of Kate; she's such a lovely lady. Painter might have been in a bad mood or didn't have his afternoon tea. I love concerts; we don't get many, if any, classical music concerts here in E-town. Well, young lady, take care of yourself and that left foot!

  3. What is that delicious-looking drink you have at OXO Tower?

  4. Hoping your foot/heel improves with time and you will be able to enjoy your running again. If not - then I know you will find a way to see as much of London limping around, if you must! All the food looks wonderful. Bletchy Park seems interesting! I don't think we are going to have enough time in London to see EVERYTHING - but I love reading about what you have been to. Looks like Ed had some nice Birthday celebrations! Was great talking to you on Sunday. Always love my "Sunday" phone calls!! Only two more weeks!!! PapaBurger has lots of places to visit - especially when the students arrive! I agree with Donna about Kate. How could someone mess up a portrait of her??? Keep the posts going and remember to do your roller exercises for running!!!

  5. Cathy-that was called an undercover lover and it was delicious! Muddled strawberries, peach prosecco and citron vodka.

  6. That sounds awesome. Might have to try making that myself!
